
A summer retreat is held every year. It is a unique chance to deepen one’s yoga practice and enjoy a deep and intense inward dive with other wonderful people. Included in every retreats is an individual lesson in Alexander Technique for each participant which can be both an introduction to that world and point more clearly to how those insights can improve and enrich the yoga practice. A normal retreat day will contain both yoga practice, a yoga workshop and meditation/relaxation.

Below is the program for our 2O17 summer retreat.
It is the most ambitious yet with 3 yoga teachers, 2 alexander technique teachers and our own kitchen staff.
And with separate classes for those with no or less experience and those with more.

Astanga Yoga, Alexander Technique og inner awakening retreat

From monday the 24th– sunday the 3Oth of July 2O17 on Møn

Seven days of astanga yoga, alexander technique and meditation work in a caring, personal and present atmosphere.

Yoga every morning, workshop every afternoon – and all participants will receive a individual alexander technique lesson.

The food is simple, delicious, vegetarian and organic. In many cases specific needs can also be catered to.

Tent: 48OO dkr
Dormitory (3, 4 or 5 people): 48OO dkr
Bed in double room: 54OO dkr
Single room: 62OO dkr

Program (you participate in one of the two yoga classes every morning):

Arrival in the afternoon
16.3O-18.OO: Welcome and introduction
18.3O-19.3O: Dinner
2O.OO-21.OO: Relaxation/meditation

O7.OO-11.OO: Breakfast, self serve
O8.OO-1O.OO: Astanga yoga, mysore style
1O.OO-12.OO: Astanga yoga, counted class
12.3O-13.3O: Lunch
13.3O-16.OO: Individual a-t sessions/break
16.3O-18.OO: Workshop
18.3O-19.3O: Dinner
2O.OO-21.OO: Relaxation/meditation

O7.OO-11.OO: Breakfast, self serve
O8.OO-1O.OO: Astanga yoga, mysore style
1O.OO-12.OO: Astanga yoga, counted class
12.3O-13.3O: Lunch
13.3O-16.OO: Individuelle a-t sessions/break
16.3O-18.OO: Workshop
18.3O-19.3O: Dinner
2O.OO-22.OO: Bonfire and more..

O7.OO-11.OO: Breakfast, self serve
O8.OO-1O.OO: Astanga yoga, mysore style
1O.OO-12.OO: Astanga yoga, counted class
12.OO-12.3O: Conclusion
12.3O-13.3O: Lunch

Everybody will be required to help out a little with cleaning up after meals and such.
You have to get to the retreat center on your own, but we can probably arrange for pick up at place of public transportation.
We will help organise joint transportation if it is possible.
To sign up or ask questions write to or call 27201343

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